After a Storm: Should You Re-roof?

After any type of inclement weather, especially storms or hurricanes, it’s always necessary to have your home assessed for damage and repaired as needed. Your roof, for one, tends to take the bulk of the storm, and serious damage will most likely require costly repair – but when can you actually say that repair is better than re-roofing? Continue reading

Your Roof Also Needs Protection from the Storm

Your roof is your first line of defense when a storm hits. However, for all the hard work it does to protect you, your roof can take quite a beating. Storms—or the hail, rain, wind, and lightning they bring—can cause extreme damage to your roof and home. Unfortunately, many insurance providers do not offer coverage for storm damage to a roof, so you need to understand the risks and ensure that your roof is well-protected against a storm.

Storms in Katy and some parts of Texas tend to be severe. Hailstones, for example, can crack regular shingles easily, which can lead to water seeping in and wreaking havoc in other parts of your home. Water damage can be very expensive to repair, so you need to avoid it at all costs.

Most new roofs are able to handle storm damage well. It is only when they’ve started to age and deteriorate that they become more prone to the harmful effects of the elements. Protect your roof from serious damage by having it checked by a qualified roofer once every year and after every storm. If the roofer recommends repair or replacement, it’s in your best interest to follow his advice.